Student Supports

Supports available to SGEC students

The SGEC Student Support Team as well as your teachers, are happy to help you with any of the following supports:

Career counselling: job search techniques, job requirements, job salary, job outlook

Educational counselling: orientation to high school, choosing courses appropriate to goals, interests and abilities

Post-secondary counselling: admission requirements for post-secondary institutions, cost of programs, scholarships, loans, assistance with registration

Personal counselling: help with any concerns or problems a student may have, and, if necessary, referrals to outside agencies


The following resources are available to all SGEC students: 

Interest and aptitude testing: students have the opportunity to use a career program called ALIS, which assists them in making career ​decisions.

Information sessions: upcoming post-secondary information sessions are held each year and posted by the Student Services bulletin board.

Referral services: our Student Support Team can refer students who need assistance. Some of these referrals may involve community agencies such as: Family School Liaison, Parents' Place, Social Services, local psychologists, the parishes, and The Collective.